Latest Jokes

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Child: Mom! Can I have a piece of your gum (Certs), please?
Mom: Sweetie. This is a breath freshener gum. It might be too strong for you.
Child: No it won't, Mom. See (while flexing his arm muscles), I have big muscles.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Ms. Jones" |
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The pastor preached about the beautiful kingdom of heaven and asked the congregation “how many of you would like to go to heaven from here?” everybody raised up their hands except a little lad sitting just in front of him “don't you want to go to heaven son?” he asked. “My mother seriously warned me not to go anywhere from here, but to come back home” replied the boy.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Johnson Ogbonnaya Alugwo" |
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A lady walked into a boutique and asked the sales lady "May I try on that cute dress in the window?"
The sales lady replied; "Sure, but wouldn’t you be more comfortable in a dressing room?"

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posted by "d16alia" |
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If you had 11 roses in your arms and looked in the mirror;
You would see the twelve most gorgeous things in the world.

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CATEGORY Pickup Jokes
posted by "buckwheat" |