Six packets of mothballs, please,” said an old lady to the chemist.
“But I sold you six packets yesterday.”
“I know, but my aim’s not very good and I keep missing them.”
Two drunks were staggering home along a railway line. “This is the longest staircase I’ve ever climbed, moaned one.
“It certainly is,” slurred his body. “And the banister’s so low; my back’s killing me.”
Two drunks were staggering home along a railway line. “This is the longest staircase I’ve ever climbed, moaned one.
“It certainly is,” slurred his body. “And the banister’s so low; my back’s killing me.”
Six packets of mothballs, please,” said an old lady to the chemist.
“But I sold you six packets yesterday.”
“I know, but my aim’s not very good and I keep missing them.”