A man went to his doctor.
When the doctor entered the examining room, the man cried, “My hair is falling out! Can you give me something to keep it in?”
“Of course,” said the doctor reassuringly, and he handed the man a small box. “Will this be big enough?”
A man went into his shrink's office and says, "Doc, you have got to help me! Every night I keep dreaming that I'm a sports car. The other night I dreamed I was a Ferrari. Another night I dreamed I was a BMW. Last night I dreamed I was a Porsche. What does this mean?"
"Relax," says the doctor, "you're just having an auto-body experience."
A graverdigger, walking in the streets of a small town chanced to turn and noticed two doctors walking behind him. He stopped until they passed and then followed on behind them.
"And why this?" asked the doctors.
"I know my place in this procession," he said.
"Dr. Jones, OBGYN, at your cervix!"