Best Jokes

1 votes

Always follow your dreams!

Unless it's the one where you're at work in your underwear during a fire drill.

1 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
1 votes

How is an optometrist like a good teacher?

They both make pupils grow!

1 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Glenn Diamant" |
1 votes

Yo Momma is so short...

That they discovered the 7 Dwarfs in your ancestry!

1 votes

CATEGORY Yo Momma Jokes
posted by "Angela Whatley" |
1 votes

A mother complained to her doctor about her daughter's strange eating habits, "All day long she lies in bed and eats yeast and car wax. What will happen to her?"

"Eventually," said the doctor, "she will rise and shine!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |