An old lady walked into a newspaper office. She approached an employee and said that her husband had died and that she would like to have an obituary appear in the paper.
The employee gave her a form and told her to write the obituary on it. She wrote, "Earl W. Worth died Saturday, December 2nd at his home. Services are at The Baptist Church at 3 P.M."
The employee looked at the form and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but obituaries are limited to 7 words apiece.
The woman took another form and wrote, "Earl died. '57 Chevy truck for sale."
A customer walks into a restaurant and orders a bowl of soup. The waiter brings it out and there's a fly in the bowl.
"Waiter, this soup has a fly in it," the customer says. "Please bring me another."
The waiter walks into the kitchen and tells the chef, "Another fly for the customer."
"Can I buy a live shark here?"
"Lady, what do you want with a live shark?"
"A neighbor's cat has been eating my goldfish, and I want to teach him a lesson."
Girlfriend: Wanna see a magic trick?
Boyfriend: Sure babe!
Girlfriend: BAM! You're single.