Latest Jokes

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One day a curious little girl started asking her mommy questions about the origin of her little brother. She just kept asking questions and her mommy believed she should have an answer to ANY question she asked. One question led to another and eventually the mommy had to describe to the little girl EXACTLY how the sperm got to the egg....

The little girl got a disgusted look on her face and shouted, "EEEEWWWW!!! and you and daddy had to do it TWICE!!!!"

1 votes

posted by "FTV-III" |
0 votes

There were three astronauts, a Russian, an American, and a Not-So-Bright American.

The Russian says we were the first in space. The American says we were the first on the Moon. The Not-So-Bright American says I will be the first to land on the sun.

The other two look at her and say, "The sun! Wont you burn up?"

She says, "Well duh! We are going to land on it at night."

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CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Jon Good" |
1 votes

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...........

And in 1495 his luggage and baggage finally arrived.

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CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Jon Good" |
1 votes

Girl friend (whilst having a romantic dinner at a restaurant): "Say something which spurs my heart-beat"
Boy-Friend: "I forgot to bring any money"

1 votes

posted by "Ali" |