Latest Jokes

2 votes

A Politician rang up the "self help" line and said "I'm fed up with my life and am going to kill myself"
The operator said "where are you". The politician said "I am on the train track under the bridge"
The operator said "please stay on the line"????

2 votes

posted by "Les Smedley" |
1 votes

I don't take offense. Fence thieves will take a fence, though.

1 votes

posted by "Brian Partridge" |
$5.00 won 1 votes

Once there was a skunk family. There was a mother skunk a father skunk and 2 twin skunks one called In and one called out. In and Out didn't get along. Whenever In was in Out was out. Whenever Out was in In was out. One day Out was in and In was out but in never came back home. The father skunk went out to look for In and couldn't find him. The mother skunk went out to look for In and couldn't find him. Finally Out went out to find In and came back really quick. The father skunk and the mother skunk asked Out how he found In so quick. In said it was easy In Stink.

1 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Sebby Sebastian" |
0 votes

Sometimes I feel like no one understands me- not even Siri. I dictated a text, on my phone, to my daughter. I said "Mom and I have been praying for you lately."

But when I checked it, I found that it read, "Mom and I have been praying for you lightly." Yeah we didn't want to overdo it or anything.

0 votes

posted by "James Ray Johnson" |