airplane jokes

Category: "Airplane Jokes"
$5.00 won 7 votes

Jose was chatting with his friend Pablo. He said to Pablo, “My wife is a BIG spendthrift. She keeps asking me for more and more money every week.”

Pablo asked, “But what does she spend all that money on?”

Jose replied, “Who knows, I never give her any money.”

7 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "WomenPower" |
3 votes

Working as a secretary in an international airport, my sister had an office adjacent to the room where security temporarily holds suspects. One day, security officers were questioning a man when they were suddenly called away on another emergency. To the horror of my sister and her colleagues, the man was left alone in the unlocked room.

After a few minutes, the door opened and he began to walk out. Summoning up her courage, one of the secretaries barked, "Get back in there and don't you come out until you're told!"

The man scuttled back inside and slammed the door. When the security people returned, the women reported what had happened. Without a word, an officer walked into the room and released the very frightened telephone repairman.

3 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

A customer was really hassling an airline agent at the ticket counter, yelling and using foul language. However, the agent was polite, pleasant and smiled while the customer continued to abuse her.

When the man finally left, the next person in line said to the agent, "Does that happen often? I can't believe how nice you were to him."

The agent smiled and said, "No problem, I took care of it. He's going to Detroit. His bags are going to Bangkok."

2 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
$10.00 won 7 votes

Richard Branson has announced plans to develop a new type of plane that can fly from New York to Tokyo in one hour...

Apparently, the engines are powered by human screams!

7 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "srg" |