A thief got married to a thief. They decided to give up their old ways and begin a family.
Fifteen months after getting married, they were expecting a son. At the hospital their son was born and his hand was closed.
They went for a closer look. They opened up his hand and were surprised by what they found.
The wristwatch of the doctor who delivered him.
A man was looking out his window when he noticed that there was a snail on one of his plants. So he took the snail and threw him as far as he could.
Ten years later the old man heard a tap tap tap on his window, and when he looked up he saw a very cross snail who looked at him and said, “Hey, what did you do that for?!”
A teenage boy with spiked hair, nose ring, and baggy clothes was overheard telling a friend, "I don't really like to dress like this."
"Then why do you?" asked the friend.
"It keeps my parents from dragging me everywhere with them."
John left his twin twelve year old boys in the car while he went into a store. While there he spotted a vender selling ice cream cones. He bought one chocolate and one vanilla for the boys.
When he got back to the car he asked them which one they wanted. The boys looked at the ice cream cones for a few seconds trying to decide.
A sly grin came across one boys face. He pointed to his brother and said, "I want his!"