family jokes

Category: "Family Jokes"
3 votes

My aunt and her 7 year-old daughter, Lisa, were talking at breakfast one morning when Lisa said, "Mommy, how come you have these gray hairs coming in on the top of your head?"

My Aunt replied, "Well sweetie, every time that you make mommy worry or tell a lie, I get a new gray hair."

Lisa, having this perplexed look on her face, then raises her head to look my aunt straight in the eyes. She then asks, "Is that why grandma is all gray mommy?"

3 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Michael Stephen Douglas" |
1 votes

Stella, 6, and her mommy were talking.

Stella: "I'll bet you can't wait 'til I'm a teenager!"

Mommy: "Actually, I can."

Stella: "Why?"

Mommy: "Because I like you being sweet."

Stella: "I'll still be sweet when I'm a teenager. I'll just have an awkward way of showing it."

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
$9.00 won 8 votes

A young boy was looking through some old family photos and asked his mother, "Who is the guy on the beach with you with all the muscles and curly hair?"

"That's your father."

"Then who's that man who lives with us now?"

8 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Leibel" |
6 votes

I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out.

6 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "barber7796" |