family jokes

Category: "Family Jokes"
1 votes

A man and his wife are relaxing at home when the phone rings. She answers and within a minute is sobbing. After she hangs up, her hubby gently holds her and asks what's wrong.

She replies that her mother has died. He finally gets her calmed down and the phone rings again. She answers and starts crying again.

She turns to her hubby and manages to choke out, "Honey, it's my sister and you won't believe this, but her mother died too!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

My father was a gambler when I was growing up, so I thought I would confide in him this nightmare I kept having.

"Dad," I began, "I keep having these dreams about a supernatural evil entity that takes horse racing bets from gamblers. He seems so real to me."

"Don't worry, son," my dad assured me. "There's no such thing as the bookey-man."

0 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Alan Valentine" |
$15.00 won 3 votes

With his wife out for the evening, a father was trying to watch TV, but his young son kept coming in and asking for a glass of water.

After the seventh glass, the father lost his temper and yelled, "Go to sleep, I'm watching TV."

"But Dad," he protested, "my room is still on fire!"

3 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Leibel" |
0 votes

Little Johnny asked his father, “Where did I get my intelligence from?”

His father replied, “It must be from your mother... because I still have mine.”

0 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "ERS" |