At long last the good-humored boss was compelled to call Fisk into his office.
"It has not escaped my attention," he pointed out, "that every time there's a home game at the stadium you have to take your aunt to the doctor."
"You know you're right, sir," exclaimed Fisk. "I didn't realize it... you don't suppose she's faking it, do you?"
All it took was two months...
Just 2 months in-house with his wife and kids and Tom Brady is BACK on the field.
I recently took my wife grocery shopping near Detroit at one of those Supermarkets where you have to insert a quarter in the Shopping cart to unlock from the next cart.
My wife used the cart for all that she was getting. When she came to the car with the grocery, I loaded them into the car and she took the shopping cart. Rather then put the cart back to get her quarter back, I noticed she turned over the shopping cart to someone going into the market and didn't even get a quarter.
I thought to myself, "I guess Detroit Lions are not the only ones that give away their 'Quarter Back'!"
My mate asked me to do a charity 5 mile run.
I said no.
He then told me it was for blind and disabled people.
I then thought, I could actually win this.