Best Jokes

2 votes

I work a lot but still want to help around the house and with the kids. My wife asked me to do the dishes, put the kids to bed and read a bedtime story.

The next day she had no assignments for me so I asked why. She informed me that I just don’t have the skill set and that she had to redo the dishes.

I said how about the bedtime story thing? She said, well, ok, but this time you have to read it out loud.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
2 votes

A chemical engineer, electrical engineer, and a Microsoft engineer are on a road trip. The car breaks down.

The electrical engineer looks under the hood and can't find anything wrong.

The chemical engineer checks the oil and fuel and can't find anything wrong.

The Microsoft engineer says, "Close all the windows, and try again."

2 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "Robert Hill" |
2 votes

My boss texted me, "Send me one of your funny jokes, Pete."

I replied, "I'm working at the moment, Sir, I will send you one later."

He replied, "That was fantastic, send me another one."

2 votes

posted by "manjinder" |
$9.00 won 2 votes

If you paint your finger purple, and wiggle it in the air, is it ... FingerPrince?

2 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Robert Hill" |