Money doesn't buy happiness?
Well, it does buy a jet ski.
Have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski?
The famous pop singer Chloe Sweetsong is signing autographs outside the local concert hall of a small town when a little girl approaches her with an autograph book.
"Miss Sweetsong," the girl says. "May I have your autograph, please?"
Noticing that the girl looks familiar, Chloe says, "But haven't I signed your book before?"
"Yes," the girl replies. "But when I get ten of your autographs, I can get one of Taylor Swift's."
Major Regrets I've Had In 2023:
Spending $250 on that Aaron Rogers Jets jersey.
Buying Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner an early anniversary gift.
Operating a mud bath booth at Burning Man.
Making that World Series bet on the Oakland A's.
Neighbor: "How old is your father?"
Boy: "As old as me."
Neighbor: "How can that be?"
Boy: "He became a father when I was born."