Best Jokes

0 votes

A man gets captured by cannibals and every day they poke him with spears and use his blood to wash down their food.

Finally, the guy calls the chief over and says, "You can cook me or you can eat me, but I'm tired of getting stuck for drinks!"

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posted by "merk" |
0 votes

Video games are great, they let you try your craziest fantasies...

For example, on The Sims, you can have a house with only ONE job!

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posted by "nerdasaurus" |
0 votes

Mindy: "I think I'm going to divorce my husband. He hasn't spoken to me in days."

Missy: "Are you sure? Men like that are hard to find."

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posted by "Kathy Harrington" |
0 votes

I went to visit a psychic today.

I knocked on the door and she called out, "Who is it?"

So I left.

0 votes

posted by "Kathy Harrington" |