Best Jokes

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Why did the Walkers not bite Glen in the Coffee Shop?

The Zombies were busy taking a selfie.

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posted by "Armslem" |
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The bride was anything but a tidy housekeeper. It didn't bother her much until one evening when her husband called from the hall, somewhat dismayed, "Honey, what happened to the dust on this table? I had a phone number written on it."

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

John: What did the bug say to the windshield when he crashed into it?

Fred: I don't know. what?

John: That's me all over you! And do you know what the windshield said to the bug?

Fred: I don't know.

John: Bet you don't have the guts to do that again! Okay, do you know what was the last thing that went through the bugs mind when he hit the windshield?

Fred: No, but I bet it's good.

John: His rear end.

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |
0 votes

Baloney \ba-lo’-ne\: Where some hemlines fall.

Banquet \bang’-kwit\: Why the vocalist had no instrumentalists.

Bernadette \burn’-a-det\: The act of torching a mortgage.

Boomerang \boo’-me-rang\: What’s on top of the Ghost Cream Pie.

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |