Best Jokes

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When it comes to religion, I once tried atheism....

But I had to give it up for Lent.

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posted by "Stephen Vanderpool" |
0 votes

Despite the high cost of living, it still remains popular.

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
0 votes

The city has closed a road to repair a collapsed sewer-pipe. The actual road closure is not apparent until you go around a bend.

So a lot of drivers go to see if the road is really closed and then have to turn in the narrow road. Their embarrassment is made worse by the back of the "ROAD CLOSED" sign.

The back of the sign reads: "TOLD YOU SO!"

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posted by "catlover" |
0 votes

As men grow older they reach that stage in life where their hair quits growing on their head...

And begins to come out of their nose and ears instead.

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |