Best Jokes

$5.00 won 3 votes

Two cab drivers met.

"Hey," asked one, "what's the idea of painting one side of your cab red and the other side blue?"

"Well," the other responded, "when I get into an accident, you should see how all the witnesses contradict each other."

3 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
$5.00 won 3 votes

What did the dinosaur eat after the dentist pulled his tooth?

The dentist!

3 votes

CATEGORY Dentist Jokes
posted by "AmSamm " |
$12.00 won 3 votes

Grandpa always said when one door closes, another one opens...

Great man, horrible cabinet maker.

3 votes

posted by "S.Sovetts" |
3 votes

A gorilla walks into a bar and, to the amazement of the bartender, orders a martini. When the bartender gives the gorilla the martini, he is further surprised to see that the ape is holding a $20 bill.

The bartender takes the $20 bill, then he decides to see just how smart the gorilla is, so he hands the gorilla $1 change. The gorilla quietly sips the martini until the bartender breaks the silence.

"We don't get too many apes in here," he says.

The gorilla replies, "At $19 a drink, I'm not surprised."

3 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |