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$10.00 won 10 votes

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A Gummy-Bear.

10 votes

posted by "goldeneaster" |
9 votes

What do you get when two dinosaurs crash their cars?


9 votes

posted by "goldeneaster" |
2 votes

While riding the bus, my mother noticed a young man, who was holding onto the same pole, staring at her. Eventually, he said, "Excuse me. This is my stop."

Since she wasn't blocking his way, she was confused. "Well," she said, "go ahead."

"And this is my pole," he said.

My mother was completely perplexed until the young man added, "I just bought it at the hardware store to hold up my shower curtain."

And with that, he picked up his pole and carried it off the bus.

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
1 votes

Two women archaeologists are down in Mexico excavating an ancient Mayan burial ground looking for some remains to take back to their museum.

Unfortunately, everything they run across is badly decomposed. One of the two says, "We don't seem to be having much luck."

The other replies, "Keep on digging, honey, a good Mayan is hard to find!"

1 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |