Latest Jokes

$25.00 won 11 votes

Death comes to take a lawyer away.

The lawyer cries and pleads, "Why so early? I am only forty!"

Death replies, "Not according to the hours you billed."

11 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "tweetyr" |
$50.00 won 15 votes

A mother and father read a bedtime story of a king to their five year old son. As the story concludes, the son says, "Mom, I also want five wives. One will cook, one will sing, one will bathe me..."

Mom: "And one will put you to sleep!"

Son: "No mom, I will still sleep with you."

Mom's eyes fill up with tears: "God bless you son."

Mom continues: "But who will sleep with your 5 wives?"

Son: "Let them sleep with daddy."

Daddy's eyes fill up with tears: "God bless you son."

15 votes

posted by "Abcd" |
$6.00 won 3 votes

"I always try to go the extra mile for my customers."

~ Taxi driver

3 votes

posted by "Abcd" |
0 votes

It's all about perspective... being OVER the hill than is much better than being UNDER it.

0 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |