Latest Jokes

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Why can't cats use computers?

Because they only want to chase the mouse.

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CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "KenKai" |
7 votes

What did the gangster's son tell his dad when he failed his school examination?

"Dad, they questioned me for 3 hours but I told them nothing!"

7 votes

posted by "srinu" |
0 votes

A cruise ship full of Mother-in-Laws was heading towards Hawaii for a week when their ship capsized killing everyone. Their families cried for a for a whole week. But after 3 weeks one man was still crying, so the people asked him what was wrong? Why are you still crying? The man replies, "My Mother-in-Law missed the darn boat!

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "MissLOL" |
0 votes

Did you hear about the dumb guy who bought "Math for Dummies" at Barnes & Noble for $19.99?

He gave the clerk a $100.00 bill and received a $1.00 bill back as his change.

0 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |