doctor jokes

Category: "Doctor Jokes"
0 votes

A man went to his doctor to go over his blood work results. As soon as he entered the doctor's office, the doctor said to him, "I just looked at your results. You are lucky that you come to see me early enough..."

The man became very nervous and asked, "What's wrong with my blood work?"

"Oh nothing! Just that I'll be leaving my office early today," replied the doctor.

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Marcus" |
$15.00 won 15 votes

Two campers are hiking in the woods when one is bitten on the rear end by a rattlesnake. “I’ll go into town for a doctor,” the other says. He runs ten miles to a small town and finds the only doctor delivering a baby.

“I can’t leave,” the doctor says. “But here’s what to do. Take a knife, cut a little X where the bite is, suck out the poison and spit it on the ground.”

The guy runs back to his friend, who is in agony. “What did the doctor say?” the victim cries.

“He says you’re gonna die.”

15 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Mounika" |
0 votes

The Seven stages of man...

Spills, Drills, Shrills, Bills, Ills, Pills, and Wills.

0 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Sandra Barton" |
$9.00 won 14 votes

My teenage patient’s mother was concerned. “He must have a temperature,” she said. “He hasn’t taken our motorcycle out all day.”

“Let me ask you,” I said. “Do you have a thermometer?”

“No,” she said. “A Kawasaki.”

14 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Mounika" |