family jokes

Category: "Family Jokes"
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The Substitute Tooth Fairy

I was leaving for a two-day conference, and my seven-year-old daughter, Katherine, was becoming overly clinging and teary. I was mystified at her emotional reaction until I heard her say to my husband, "Daddy, I have a loose tooth. If it falls out while Mommy is gone, do you know how to handle this tooth fairy thing?"

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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A young man driving his convertible car with his loud music and cool demeanor pulls up to a stop light next to this young mother and 4 year old son. The little boy looks at the man and turns to his mom and says; “poor man his car is broken.”

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Camic Wiggins" |
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Did you hear about this group of professional nannies that have formed a business, similar to the TV show called "The Nanny," where they go into people's homes and help parents with out-of-control children?

The name of their new business: The "SWAT" Team

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Betsy Giles" |
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One day a little girl was sitting on her grandpa's knee playing with his long beard and patting his baldhead, and asked "Did God make me?"
"Yes my dear" her grandpa replied.
"Did God make you?” she asked. "Yes he did" he replied again
she then said "well he sure does a better job these days doesn’t he.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Amanda" |