Latest Jokes

2 votes

Traffic cop: "Your license, please."

Motorist: "Pardon me, I'm afraid I forgot."

Traffic cop: "You forgot and left it at home?"

Motorist: "No, forgot to get one."

2 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Kathy Harrington" |
1 votes

As I walked into work my boss greeted me with, "Today is going to be a great day! Can't you feel it?"

I did.

I went home.

1 votes

posted by "aod318" |
$12.00 won 2 votes

Two nudists were discussing politics.

One says, “Have you read Marx?”

The other nods, “It’s these blasted wicker chairs."

2 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
1 votes

A real estate salesman had just closed his first deal, only to discover that the piece of land he had sold was completely under water.

“That customer's going to come back here pretty mad,” he said to his boss. “Should I give him his money back?”

“Money back?” roared the boss. “What kind of salesman are you? Get out there and sell him a houseboat.”

1 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "merk" |