Latest Jokes

1 votes

I had a girlfriend in college who was obsessed with counting numbers.

I wonder what she’s up to now???

1 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "nerdasaurus" |
1 votes

"Grandpa, why don't you have any life insurance?"

"So you can all be really sad when I die."

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
1 votes

The hairdresser stares for a while in disbelief at her customers greasy hair...

She then asks, “So, did you come to get a haircut or just for an oil change?”

1 votes

posted by "S.Sovetts" |
$15.00 won 3 votes

Did anyone see the joke I posted recently about my spine?

It was about a weak back.

3 votes

posted by "Gegg Smith" |