Latest Jokes

2 votes

In the world of flies, a young fly needed a heart transplant. After being taken to surgery, the fly anesthesiologist put the young fly to sleep.

The fly doctor assistant cut open the young fly’s chest. He then announced to the fly heart doctor, "Your fly is open."

The heart doctor blushed.

2 votes

posted by "Pillowpack" |
2 votes

After our son graduated from high school, he went to a school to learn how to be a mime.

We haven't heard from him since...

2 votes

posted by "TenDawgs" |
$5.00 won 3 votes

A man went to buy his wife a new bra but had no idea what size she needed. Sales lady tried to help him. She asked, "Is your wife shaped like a grapefruit?"

"No, not a grapefruit."

"Is she shaped like an orange?"

"Um no, not an orange."

"Is she shaped like an egg?"

Man's face lights up, "Yes, that's it! Like a fried egg!"

3 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Peggy" |
2 votes

What might you call a small, puny chicken?


2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Jim Shaw" |