misc jokes

Category: "Misc Jokes"
0 votes

If you are offered a penny for your thoughts and you give your two cents worth, where does the other penny go?

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posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |
5 votes

Two scouts were making a lot of noise on a field trip. The scout master asked them to "please not yell" and to "go find firewood".

One scout turned to the other and said, "I’ve heard of this before, something about 'talk softly and carry a big stick!'"

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posted by "Marty" |
5 votes

Nostradamus made note that his prophesies came to him in bilateral form. He would first imagine the future in written word followed by visuals of the event some time after. Recently in France a secret chamber was discovered in the former residence of Nostradamus, proving his bilateral claim to be true.

Researchers found a waste paper basket with a single wad of paper in it which read:
There will be three beloved men who will come to power in the same century. These men will be called Chuck E Cheese, Ronald MacDonald and some guy named Jack.

Apparently after receiving the visuals, he decided to scrap this particular prophecy.

5 votes

posted by "Marty" |
0 votes

I finally realized that I needed to get in shape, so I made plans to join a club and work out for one full year.

The year I picked is 2023.

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posted by "Alan Valentine" |