Best Jokes

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Why did the panda steal my socks?

Because he had bear feet!

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Elkins " |
0 votes

My dad died when we couldn't remember his blood type.

As he died, he kept insisting for us to "be positive," but it's hard without him.

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posted by "Elkins " |
0 votes

"My photographs don't do me any justice."

"How so?"

"They just look like me."

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posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

Mr. and Mrs. Ghost had always wanted just one child. When Mrs. Ghost gave birth to twins, she asked her shocked and surprised husband to name the two children.

He happily replied, "This little boy is now named BOO!"

"What about the second child?" asked the nurse.

After giving it some serious thought Mr. Ghost replied, "Our second child will be named Boo Boo!"

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CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Jim Shaw" |