Best Jokes

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A very thirsty man goes into a bar. As he's sitting down, he hears the man next to him tell the bartender, "I'll have another waterloo."

The bartender gives the fellow a tall, well-iced drink, then asks the newcomer what he would like to drink. Thinking the other man's drink may be a specialty of the house, he says, "I'll have a waterloo, too."

The bartender gives him the tall, well-iced drink and the customer takes a big drink. "Hey," he says. "This isn't any good. It tastes just like water!"

The man next to him looks at the bartender and says, "Well, it is water. Right, Lou?"

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posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

I used to work in the woods as a lumberjack...

But just couldn't hack it...

So they gave me the ax!

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posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in...

A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

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posted by "wadejagz" |
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10. A car wash kit
9. A table saw
8. Two all-day passes to Best Buy's Home Theatre Installation Seminar
7. A case of oil
6. Five-year subscription to Sports Illustrated

5. Custom engraved bowling ball
4. New outboard motor for fishing boat
3. Rambo Trilogy on DVD
2. New satellite dish with sports package
1. Three-year membership to Weight Watchers Clinic

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CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |