Best Jokes

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A university student named Jesse was taking a psychology course. Throughout the semester he was not doing very well on his exams and papers.

It came time for finals and he studied very hard, knowing that it would be a one question test. To receive a good grade on the test the students had to write everything they knew on the test subject. The day came for the test and the students, especially Jesse, were very nervous.

The professor came in and started the test, which consisted of one question: "What is it to be courageous?"

All of the students started writing frantically. Jesse sat there for a while and simply wrote: "This is being courageous." He then turned in his test.

Jesse received the only A in the class.

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CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

A man joined the priesthood. The order he joined could not speak for seven years. Then they could only say 2 words.

The first seven years passed and they went into a small room. His 2 word were "too cold".

The next seven years passed and they took him back into the small room and his 2 words were "bad food".

The next seven years passed they took him back into the small room and his 2 words were "I quit".

"Good," they said, "all you have done is complain."

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posted by "HENNE" |
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I like to smoke whenever and wherever I want. When someone tells me no smoking allowed, I tell them, "No problem, I'll smoke quietly then."

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posted by "Alan Valentine" |
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Experienced ice fisher has spent an hour at his fishing hole but is not having luck. He sees a kid sitting nearby on the ice pulling in one fish after another out of the water with his pole. Finally the older gentleman trudges over to the kid and asks him, "I've been watching ya kid, what's your trick?"

The kid mumbles with his lips tightly clamped shut, "M-mmm-mmmm-mmm." When asked again the gentleman gets the same response, "M-mmm-mmmm-mmm." Only this time with more emphasis.

Upon asking the third time the kid spits out a glossy sticky worm into his hand and says, "Ya gotta keep your worms warm!"

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "magoo" |