Best Jokes

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Teller at the bank answers the phone: "American National Bank. How may I help you?"

Dumb Criminal: "I've got a gun. Fax me all your money immediately, and no one gets hurt."

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CATEGORY Dumb Criminals
posted by "Douglas" |
0 votes

What did the new Washing Machine tell the Old Refrigerator?

"Whatever you do, don't lose your 'cool'!"

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posted by "Sudhakar" |
0 votes

One day, little Johnny came up to his father and asked, “Dad, where did I come from?”

Dad squirmed a bit, but thought it was time his son knew the facts of life. He told him the expression of love resulted in the beginning of life. How life developed and finally, how a child was born. As the story unfolded, Johnny’s eyes got wider and wider.

When his father was finished, Johnny said, “Wow, that is really neat. That sure beats what Billy told me. He said that he came from Cranston.”

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
0 votes

As we stood in formation at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, our Flight Instructor said, "All right! All you dummies fall out."

As the rest of the squad wandered away, I remained at attention.

The Instructor walked over until he was eye-to-eye with me, and then just raised a single eyebrow.

I smiled and said, "Sure was a lot of 'em, huh sir?"

0 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |