Latest Jokes

$6.00 won 5 votes

As I handed my dad his 50th birthday card, he looked at me with tears in his eyes...

He then said, " You know, one would have been enough."

5 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "mcdanijt" |
3 votes

At our weekly Bible study, our leader was recapping what we knew about the Epistle to Titus before continuing with the study.

So he asked, "What kind of place was Crete?"

Nobody answered, so he added, "In a geographic sense."

One or two of us answered, but nobody gave the answer he was looking for.

So he said, "I'll give you a clue: it has a lot in common with a much talked about place called Noman."

One of us responded, "Can't say I've heard on Noman."

To which our leader said, "Noman is an island."

3 votes

posted by "Scenic" |
$8.00 won 4 votes

What does the world’s top dentist get?

A little plaque.

4 votes

posted by "pinkgalaxy3" |
3 votes

Seeing a spider is not a problem...

The problem comes when it disappears!

3 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |