Latest Jokes

6 votes

My wife complained that the kitchen clock had nearly killed her mother, as it fell off the wall seconds after where she had been sitting underneath it.

That darn clock has always been slow.

6 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
7 votes

As my family was leaving Disney World, my daughter waved and said, "Goodbye Minnie!"

My son waved and said, "Goodbye Mickey!"

I waved and said, "Goodbye money!"

7 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Egbert" |
1 votes

Did you hear about Steve Harvey and his wife getting into an argument?

It was a Family Feud!

1 votes

posted by "Charlie E" |
2 votes

Me: "Say please...."

Toddler: ".........."

Me: "Say thank you..."

Toddler: ".............."

Me: (spilling milk) "Ah, crap!"

Toddler: "Ah, crap!"

2 votes

posted by "Dansei59" |