Latest Jokes

$50.00 won 5 votes

What do you call a bee that comes from America?


5 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Clown" |
$15.00 won 2 votes

"I love you" is a mathematical function where, 'I love' is the constant and 'you' is the variable...

And marriage inverts the function, where "you" becomes the constant, "i love" becomes the variable.

2 votes

posted by "Kyoto" |
0 votes

Patty, the bank teller, was having a bad day with nasty and rude customers. A nicely dressed young man came up to her window and with a smile showed her a note. "Please give me all your money... I thank you for your time and help!"

After emptying her drawer into a bag, she added a chocolate bar left from her lunch.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"That's because you were the most polite person I've had all day," she answered.

0 votes

posted by "Jim Shaw" |
2 votes

The government put out notices for contractors to bid for a small job they needed done. The first bid was for $750.00. The second bid was for $375.00. The third bid was for $2,375.00.

Stunned at the high price of the third bid the government agent called the contractor and asked how his bid could be so high.

"It's easy," the contractor said, "$1,000 is for me, $1,000 is for you for you, and then we hire the guy for $375 to do it."

2 votes

posted by "Douglas" |