Latest Jokes

$25.00 won 15 votes

Because it was my brother’s birthday, our mom wanted to do something special. She called his fraternity house and said she wanted to bring a cake. The young man who took the call was very excited. "Hey, Mrs. Schaeffer," he said, "that would be great!"

The next day she drove to the fraternity and rang the doorbell. The same boy answered the door. When he saw the cake, his face fell. "Oh," he said, clearly disappointed. "I thought you said ‘a keg.’"


15 votes

posted by "Mounika" |
2 votes

Did you hear about the doctor who wrote out a prescription in the usual doctor's fashion?

The patient used it for two years as a railroad pass.

Twice it got him into Radio City Music Hall, and once into Yankee Stadium.

It came in handy as a letter from his employer to the cashier to increase his salary.

And to top it off, his daughter played it on the piano and won a scholarship to the Curtis Music Conservatory.

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
1 votes

Have ever wondered why it is called MENopause and not WOMANopause?

1 votes

posted by "Shamsou" |
0 votes

Definition of Family Planning:

The art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster.

0 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |