A man went into a store and bought a self help audio book...
It was called “How to Handle Disappointment”...
It was empty.
My wife is incredibly smart.
When I called her from my buddy’s phone she answered, “Hey love!”
She already knew it was me.
Interviewer: "How do you explain this 4 year gap on your resume?"
Me: "That’s when I went to Yale..."
Interviewer: "That’s impressive. You are hired."
Me: "Thanks. I really need this yob."
My wife and I run a small restaurant where we often name our specials after our employees, dishes like “Sally's Chicken” after our maitre d who gave us the recipe, and “Rod’s Ribs” after a waiter who had his personal style of barbecue.
One evening after rereading the menu, I broke with this tradition and changed the description of the special we had named after our chef.
Despite her skills and excellent reputation, somehow I didn’t think an entrée named “Salmon Ella” would go over big with our customers.