A manufacturer retired and moved to the country. He put on denims, boots, and a plaid shirt, and became a country gentleman. An old friend came to visit. The country gentleman showed him around.
In the barn, chewing at straw nonchalantly, was the farm's pride and joy, a horse. The host asked, "Wanna go for a buggy ride?"
"I've never been in a buggy," the guest said.
"I go riding just about every day. I hitch up and ride through the woods."
The country gentleman started to harness up the horse, but the animal, happy enough in the barn, resisted having the bit put in his mouth. It was obvious that the new farmer had no idea of how to harness a horse. After the tenth attempt to get the horse to open its mouth so the bit could be slipped in, the guest said, "Why don't you wait until he yawns?"
Why are cats such good bakers?
Because they make everything from scratch.
My older brother, Lenny, loved to tell the story of what happened to our cocker spaniel, Inky.
It seems Lenny was using an open bowl of gasoline to wash some parts for the transmission he was repairing. Distracted by a customer, he returned to his project to find Inky drinking the gasoline from the bowl. He yelled at the dog, who took off running. In fact, Inky ran around the house three times before finally falling over.
The neighbors came running over to see what had happened to Inky. "Is he dead?" asked our neighbor Ruth.
"No," Lenny replied. "I think he ran out of gas."
Why did the chicken join the gym?
To work on his pecks!