family jokes

Category: "Family Jokes"
$8.00 won 5 votes

Kid: Why is some of your hair white dad?

Dad: Every time you make me unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.

Kid: Now I understand why grandpa’s hair is all white!

5 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wildcats3333" |
0 votes

It's dinner time. Mom tell her 4 year old son to give a call to his dad to get home early for dinner together.

Mom: "Son, please give your father a call and tell him to come back early, we'll having dinner together"

Son: "Yes ,mom."

A moment later...dialing...

Son:" Mom...someone had pick up the call...but..."

Mom: "But what?"

Son: "It sounds like a..."

Mom: "Any problem with that?"

Son:"No mom..."

Mom: "So?"

Son: "hmm..."

Mom: "Make sure tell your dad to come back early..."

Son: "Yeah...but...that's not dad, is...a women's voice..."


His mom getting angry with this... Soon,daddy went home.

Dad:"Hey darling,I'm back..."


Dad: "Hey??? What I've done....?"

They argue for a long time... Dad goes straight to his room and mom sits on the sofa.

After a while...

Son: "Mom, please don't angry..."

Mom: "Your father betrayed us, he had another women... (mom crying)

Son:"Don't cry mom, father won't leave us and the women told me to try later..."

Mom: "Gosh!!! what else she told you?"

Son: She told me that, "The number you've dial is out of coverage, please try later."

0 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Yukio Yap" |
1 votes

I've always been confused between the definition of right and wrong.

When I was a kid my parents would say, "Boy, you have done wrong."

I'd say, "Is that right?"

They would say, "Yes."

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Fasteddie686" |
$5.00 won 5 votes

We were all in the hospital for the last time with our family and at some point my Aunt asked who of us want coffee. We were all die hard coffee drinkers and we all agreed so my aunt said "ok, i'll bring full tray".

My Grandpa lifted his head for the last time and said "rather bring the coffee in a cup, it's so hard to drink from the tray"

He was Amazing...

5 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "virgogal" |