Best Jokes

$8.00 won 3 votes

Dear Alcohol,

We had a deal... you would make me prettier, funnier and a better dancer. I just saw the video of the company Christmas party.


3 votes

posted by "barber7796" |
$5.00 won 3 votes

Around 3pm every afternoon, I think it's time to put an "OUT OF ORDER" sign on my forehead and call it a day.

3 votes

posted by "shopin55" |
3 votes

A hunter visited another hunter and was given a tour of his home. In the den was a stuffed lion.

The visiting hunter asked, ''When did you bag him?''

The host said, ''That was three years ago, when I went hunting with my wife.''

''What's he stuffed with?'' asked the visiting hunter.

“My wife!”

3 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
3 votes

An elderly woman walks into the butcher shop and shouts at the butcher, "That leg of lamb you sold me last week shrunk by six inches when I cooked it!"

"That's funny," said the butcher, "my wife knitted me a jumper, and when I washed it, it shrunk by six inches."

"Must have been from the same sheep."

3 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |