Best Jokes

3 votes

Two extraterrestrials had just graduated the space cadet program on their planet. Both were duty assigned to a tiny blue planet in the Milky Way Galaxy called planet Earth. One of the young alien cadets asked the other, "Have you heard of planet Earth?"

His friend answered by saying, "No. I never have. But considering that you and I were last in our class, I have a feeling this is going to be one crazy adventure!"

3 votes

posted by "Marty" |
3 votes

(Husband) Honey, at this year’s office Halloween party why don’t I wear a superman costume you can go as a witch?

(Wife) How clever!

(Husband) What do you mean?

(Wife) It’s a polar opposite theme right?

3 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
3 votes

(Grandson) Grandpa, I think the 'Y generation' has modern views and a forward thinking way more ahead of the life view of your day.

(Grandfather) I appreciate and respect your thoughts but I disagree and can back up my claim with facts.

(Grandson) Sounds fair grandpa, please state your case.

(Grandfather) First off, one question, did you take the ice bucket challenge?

(Grandson, proudly answers) Yes, in fact I did!

(Grandfather) I rest my case.

3 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Marty" |