Latest Jokes

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Lance is an uncommon name nowadays...

But in Medieval Times, people were named Lance-a-lot.

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posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
0 votes

Two men are on opposite sides of the river.

The first man shouts, “How do I get to the other side of the river?”

The other man yells, “Dude, you are on the other side of the river!”

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posted by "ERS" |
0 votes

After moving to Tennessee, I was looking for a new veterinarian for my dog.

I found one close by and booked an appointment for him.

Arriving at the office, I saw this sign on the door: "Veterinarian/Taxidermist. Either way, you get your pet back."

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
0 votes

- You wake up face down on the pavement.

- You jump out of bed in the morning and miss the floor.

- You turn on the morning news, and they're showing emergency routes out of your city.

- Your bar of Ivory soap sinks.

- You put both contact lenses in the same eye.

- The bird singing outside your window is a vulture.

- Your horn gets stuck when you're following a group of Hell's Angels on the freeway.

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CATEGORY Office Jokes
posted by "merk" |