Why is the Sea horse the most intelligent animal?
Because when reproducing, it is the only animal where the female says to the male, "Here's the eggs, you deal with them!"
My favorite animal is my dog, because every time I ask him, "How do I look?"...
He always answers me by saying, "Wow! Wow!"
After many years of service, a rich lady decides to fire her maid and hire someone younger. When she hears the news, the maid takes a steak out of the fridge and throws it to the family dog.
"Why did you do that?" asks the lady of the house.
"I never forget a friend," replies the maid. "That was for his help cleaning the dishes all these years!"
Husband: "Did you ever wonder why cats are so finicky?"
Wife: "You'd be finicky too if you had to bath yourself with your tongue."