I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control.
I thought to myself... "Well this changes everything!"
What do you call two monkeys who share an Amazon account?
Prime mates.
The company where I work provides four-foot-high cubicles so each employee can have some privacy.
One day a co-worker had an exasperating phone conversation with one of her teenage sons. After hanging up, she heaved a sigh and said, "No one ever listens to me."
Immediately, several voices from surrounding cubicles called out, "Yes, yes we do."
A gold-digger had died and all her worldly possessions, including a parrot, were being auctioned off.
"What am I offered for this beautiful bird?"
"One bean," bid a bystander.
"Two bucks," roared another.
"Make it five, Daddy," croaked the parrot, "and I'll give you a kiss."