Two men were walking down the street when they saw a dog licking himself.
One man said "I wish I could do that."
The other man said "you should probably just pet him first."
The clergyman of a large church, having just arrived in Fort Smith, was being shaved by a local barber that was addicted to occasional drinking sprees. There was an unmistakable odor of whisky around the barber's face and the razor suddenly nicked the man's face.
"You see, that comes from taking too much drink," said the clergyman.
"You're right," said the barber. "Drinking does make the skin tender, that's a fact."
What gender pronouns does a chocolate bar use?
Dance instructor says, "Everyone get in line and we will get started learning the salsa!"
Me, hiding a bag of tortilla chips, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding..."