Two sharks are swimming along in the ocean when they spot a windsurfer.
“Ooh, look, a snack!” cheers up the first one.
The second one nods appreciatively, “And on a nice little plate with even a napkin!"
A new survey shows that 60% of men under the age of 30 don't own a suit...
Then again, those of us over 30 that have a suit don't know if they still fit.
"Bill's nowhere near the fool he was."
"Has he reformed?"
"No, he's dieting."
A man went into his shrink's office and says, "Doc, you have got to help me! Every night I keep dreaming that I'm a sports car. The other night I dreamed I was a Ferrari. Another night I dreamed I was a BMW. Last night I dreamed I was a Porsche. What does this mean?"
"Relax," says the doctor, "you're just having an auto-body experience."