Best Jokes

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Today we'll let a member of the class lead the discussion. It will be a good educational experience.
(I stayed out too late last night and didn't have time to prepare a lecture.)

The gist of what the author is saying is what's most important.
(I don't understand the details either.)

The test scores were generally good.
(Some of you managed a 'C'.)

Some of you could have done better.
(Everyone failed.)

It's been very rewarding to teach this class.
(I hope they find someone else to teach it next year.)

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CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

What goes dot-dot-croak,dot-dot-croak?

Morse Toad.

0 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "maddog" |
0 votes

Cars and People are alike...

Some go Forward, some go in Reverse, and some just go around in circles.

0 votes

posted by "Richard Rokita" |
0 votes

A good time to keep your mouth shut... is when you're in deep water!

0 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |