Best Jokes

$10.00 won 5 votes

Father: Now Little Johnny, be good while I’m away.

Little Johnny: Okay dad, I’ll be good for a dollar.

Father: Why son, when I was your age I was good for nothing!

5 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
5 votes

Sometime around two in the morning our phone rang, waking us out of a sound sleep. "Wrong number," my husband growled and slammed down the receiver.

A few minutes later it rang again. I heard him say, "One with pepperoni and extra cheese and one with sausage. Pick up in 20 minutes."

"What was that?" I asked.

"I took his order. Now we can sleep."

5 votes

posted by "Heaven" |
$8.00 won 5 votes

An interoffice softball game was held every year between the company's marketing and sales staff.

The sales staff whipped the marketing department soundly 10 to 1. But the marketing department showed how they earn their keep by posting this memo on the bulletin board after the game:

"The marketing department is pleased to announce that during the 2020 softball season we came in 2nd place, having lost just one game all year! The sales staff, however, had a rather dismal season, as they won only one game."

5 votes

CATEGORY Office Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
5 votes

The owner of a musical instrument store summoned one of his staff who was overheard arguing with a customer. He asked her what they were arguing about. "She wanted a guitar, and I told her we didn't have one."

The boss said, "So she wanted a guitar, the customer is always right. Why did you give her a hard time?"

"Well, for starters, she was left-handed, so she wasn't right."

5 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Ferdinand Uzi Wang" |