Latest Jokes

$15.00 won 9 votes

A long winded attorney was arguing a technical case before one of the judges of the superior courts. The attorney had rambled on in such a desultory way that it became very difficult to follow his line of thought, and the judge had just yawned very suggestively.

With a trace of sarcasm in his voice, the tiresome attorney ventured to observe: "I sincerely trust that I am not unduly trespassing on the time of this court."

"My friend," returned his honor, "there is considerable difference between trespassing on time and encroaching upon eternity."

9 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
6 votes

There were 10 cats in a boat and one jumped out. How many were left?

None, because they were all a bunch of copycats.

6 votes

posted by "Heaven" |
4 votes

Two buddies are fishing, but they haven’t caught anything all day. Then, another fisherman walks by with a huge load of fish. They ask him: "Excuse me, but where did you get all those fish?"

The other fisherman replies, ”If you just go down the stream until the water isn't salty, there are a ton of hungry fish."

They thank him and go on their way. 15 minutes later, one fisherman says to the other, "Fill the bucket up with water and see if the water is salty."

He dips the bucket in the stream and drinks some.

"Nope. Still salty."

30 minutes later, he asks him to check again.

"Nope, still salty."

One our later they check again. "Nope. Still salty."

"This isn't good," the fisherman finally says. "We have been walking for almost two hours and the water is still salty!"

"I know," says the other. "And the bucket is almost empty!"

4 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
5 votes

A horse walked into a soda fountain and ordered an ice cream sundae with chocolate ice cream and strawberry syrup, sprinkled with nuts.

The young man behind the counter brought the sundae to the horse, who finished it off with great pleasure.

Noticing how the young man stared at him as he ate, the horse said, “I suppose you think it’s strange that a horse should come into a soda fountain and order a sundae with chocolate ice cream and strawberry syrup, sprinkled with nuts?”

“Not at all,” the young man replied. “I like it that way myself.”

5 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |