Best Jokes

$6.00 won 8 votes

Mrs. Cole, the science teacher, took her students out of school for a social experiment. They arrived at a farmhouse and she placed two buckets in front of a donkey – one filled with water and the other with alcohol.

The donkey drank all the water while leaving the alcohol untouched.

Mrs. Cole asked the students, “What did you learn from this experiment?”

One boy replied, “One who does not drink alcohol is a donkey!”

8 votes

posted by "RobertAlex" |
$12.00 won 8 votes

What is a frog's favorite game?


8 votes

posted by "Clown" |
$12.00 won 8 votes

A new mummy has just been discovered in Egypt! It was found covered in chocolate and nuts.

They believe he was called Pharaoh Rocher!

8 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
$9.00 won 8 votes

Why did the elevator go to the doctor?

Because it was coming down with something.

8 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |