Latest Jokes

$9.00 won 4 votes

A woman who lived next door to a preacher was puzzled by his personality change in the pulpit. At home he was shy, quiet and retiring but in the church he was a real fire and brimstone orator, rousing the masses in the name of God. It was as if he was two different people.

One day she asked him about the dramatic transformation that came over him when he preached.

“Ah,” he said, “that’s my altar ego.”

4 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
$6.00 won 5 votes

WCBS Newsradio880 anchor on how quickly the temperature dropped in NYC Tuesday:

"Someone said, 'The temperature fell from 90 to 55 so quickly, it was as if it saw a state trooper!'"

5 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
$6.00 won 4 votes

Child: "Mom, can I go out to play?"

Mom: "What? With those holes in your pants?"

Child: (looking down at his pants) "No, with the kids next door..."

4 votes

posted by "John W Kirschner" |
1 votes

A young man walked into our insurance office to purchase coverage for his new motorcycle. Only one question confused him. "Do you have a lien holder on the vehicle?"

"I've got a kickstand," the prospect replied. "Is that the same thing?"

1 votes

posted by "HENNE" |